The Sigining Ceremony Agreement of Cooperation between The University of Economics - Law and CPA(Australia) was held at 9am on 24 May 2012. This is a strategic cooperation, which establish the foundation for both side either improve the professional practice or the orientation to students, which is carried out by helping students to approach the information and the international material of CPA(Australia), also attend events and career conferences.Moreover, by this agreement cooperation, University 's accounting training program was recognized by CPA Australia, so students finish the Degree of Bachelor will, be reduced some subjects in fundamental CPA program. Attending the caremony: From the University of Economics and Law were PhD Nguyen Tien Dung - Rector,Lectures from Faculty of Accouting- Auditung, and Faculty of Finance and Banking, Students.From the CPA Australia was Prof. Alex Malley- Chief Executive, and epecially Mr John McAnulty Consul Generral in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The Ceremony was orgined formally with two important part:
Part I: Sigining Ceremony Agreement of Cooperation.
Part II: Prof. Alex Malley- Chief Executive has a exhange with students.
In the ceremony, PhD Nguyen Tien Dung - Rector shared his opinion that "CPA Australia is a global brand of professional organisation with strict standards in ethics, integrity, leadership. We are honor to co-operate with them.We encourage our stdents to enrol CPA program for their promotive career progression in furture, not only in Vietnam but also around the world.We highly appreciate these effort of CPA to promote to internationalize the Accounting employment in Viet Nam". The statement of PhD Nguyen Tien Dung - Rector is a strong announcement that the ceremony was occurred sucessfully, remarked a steady and good relationship between The University of Economics - Law and CPA(Australia).
Some pictures of program:

(Translated by Nguyễn Thu Quỳnh)